
⬇for democracy⬇

⬇when we go low, they go bye⬇

⬇Harris/walz will have enough money.
Other good candidates in swing races may not.⬇

The lower you go, the more your money matters

So let’s give downballot, where our money will matter the most and can make the most difference. Just decide how down you want to get. Find out more.

Fund hundreds of local Trusted organizers
to turn out the voters who matter most
Support the Movement Voter Project

Give Smart
Support 8 targeted swing state leg candidates at once

U.S. House, win the majority & project the election
Donate to every “tossup” House race at once

Win state power and generate reverse coattails
Donate at once to up to 100 Democrats running for competitive state legislative races

Target state legislative power in key swing states
Arizona, trifecta possible
Pennsylvania, trifecta possible
Michigan, hold the trifecta
North Carolina, Break the Supermajority

Win Key state state supreme court seats
Back strong court candidates in Mi, NC, OH, and Tx

Back national down-ballot organizations
States Project, targeted to win state power
Run for Something, electing young down-ballot progressives in all 50 states

Cool reach projects
Blue Ohio
Ground Game Texas